PropertyStore Bali is in our plans for a 2024 launch so watch this space

Sales and project marketing  

Product Development
We work with the developer/owner to define the exact concept which is the first step and probably the most important of any successful development project. Our aim is to identify the most unique and marketable product possible that meets all the key criteria such as environmental and sustainability, product mix and whilst keeping to strict budget guidelines and targets. This is undertaken through various stages. These are market research, architecture and design, marketing, project management and budgeting.

These services comprise:
  • project feasibility analysis
  • competitive analysis
  • financial feasibility 
  • product positioning 
  • competitive advantages
  • development concept/brand guidelines
  • end users requirements
  • architectural/design design review
  • project development scheduling 
  • consultant criteria and  selection e.g. architects, engineer, construction company
Marketing Management
Marketing and communication is paramount to any successful development . Our aim is to create the most visually and cost effective marketing strategies through the deployment of the right marketing media and planning methodology. Effective branding and marketing will enhance the perceived value of the property, and the overall positioning of the development in the marketplace.

With extensive experience in media relations management for residential real estate projects as well as other type of products and services. Our aim is to maximise the results which translates into sales through a carefully managed media strategy, creative design and communication strategy and implementation all within a specific budget. Giving our customers the best possible results possible and the highest value for their marketing dollars spent.

These services include:
  • marketing strategy
  • branding strategy 
  • marketing planning and budgeting 
  • marketing budgets
  • marketing implementation
  • target market analysis
  • internal and external signage
  • marketing collateral for online and offline
  • social media strategy and implementation
  • media relations planning and budgeting
  • media relations management
  • marketing material design and copywriting
  • press releases and management
Sales Management
With more than 20 years combined experience in marketing and residential sales our team comprises of sales personnel with extensive experience that work closely with the marketing team to develop and refine marketing campaigns to maximise the outcome for all the stakeholders.

More sales happy developers and happy buyers too.